Beating inflation with Inflation Bonus&Safety - demonstrably successful!


Beating inflation with Inflation Bonus&Safety - demonstrably successful!

Average interest paid above 9% (since 2022)


After many years near zero, the inflation rate has risen significantly since 2021. In autumn 2022, inflation peaked at over 10%.

Raiffeisen Certificates responds quickly to customer needs: Since summer 2021, we have continuously offered new certificates for subscription in the "Inflations Bonus&Safety" series, creating a simple way to hedge against rising inflation. All investment products in the series have an annual fixed interest rate PLUS an extra interest rate equal to the European inflation rate and are thus suitable as a genuine offset against the loss of purchasing power.

  • A complete success for investors:
    ➨ since 2022, an average 💶 9.39% interest has been paid out!



All interest paid on Raiffeisen's inflation certificates since then:

Europe/Gold Inflation Bonus&Safety
8.433% (EUR 84.33)paid on Jul 18, 2022
Europe/Gold Inflation Bonus&Safety 2
9.05% (EUR 90.49)paid on Aug 18, 2022
Europe/Gold Inflation Bonus&Safety 3
9.501% (EUR 95.01)paid on Sep 15, 2022
Europe/Gold Inflation Bonus&Safety 4
9.724% (EUR 97.24)paid on Oct 17, 2022
Europe/Gold Inflation Bonus&Safety 5
10.01% (EUR 100.08)paid on Nov 16, 2022​
Europe Inflation Bonus&Safety 4
9.74% (EUR 97.39)paid on Mar 09, 2023
Europe Inflation Bonus&Safety 5
9.26% (EUR 92.60)paid on Apr 08, 2023


Inflation compensation - how does it work?

With Bonus&Security certificates, the simple investment succeeds for everyone. The functionality of the Inflation Bonus&Safety Certificates summarized:

  • Fixed interest rate independent of inflation and underlying asset
  • Extra interest rate in the amount of the annual European inflation rate
  • Safety cushion of at least 50% very comfortable
  • Please always consider all opportunities and risks when investing in securities.

Many of our certificates are based on the EURO STOXX 50® share index, which comprises the 50 largest companies in the euro zone. 

At the beginning of the term:
The initial value of the underlying is fixed on the first valuation date and the barrier is calculated on this basis.

During the term:
• Annual coupon payment: fixed interest + extra interest in the amount of the European inflation rate (HICP ex. tobacco).
• During the observation period, the barrier is continuously compared to the underlying prices.

At the maturity date:
• a) Repayment at 100% of the nominal amount if the barrier was never breached.
• b) Repayment on the redemption date in line with the performance* of the underlying if an underlying price was quoted at or below the respective barrier. In case of more than one underlying, the redemption is made according to the worst performance (*percentage performance from the starting value to the value on the last valuation date).

The annual fixed interest rate is paid out in any case, regardless of the underlying's performance. The total interest payment amounts to fixed interest + extra interest. If the inflation rate is negative (less than 0 = deflation), the fixed interest rate is still paid out. 

The maximum repayment at maturity remains capped at 100% of the nominal amount in each scenario.


Learn more about our latest certificates!

Bonus&Security Certificates currently for subscription → 


Contact 💬 We are your contact persons

Easy to reach and personally on hand to answer any questions. That's what we are at Raiffeisen Certificates, because we attach great importance to being there for you when you need us.

Your Raiffeisen Certificates Team

Przykładowe produkty:
  • Nazwa: Europa Inflations Bonus&Sicherheit 19
  • ISIN: AT0000A34CH5
  • Dzień pierwszej wyceny: 22.06.2023
  • Czas trwania: 2 lata
    (Data zapadalności: 22.06.2026)
  • Notowanie: Wiedeń, Stuttgart
Przykładowe produkty:
  • Nazwa: Europa Inflations Bonus&Sicherheit 20
  • ISIN: AT0000A34CJ1
  • Dzień pierwszej wyceny: 22.06.2023
  • Czas trwania: 4 lata
    (Data zapadalności: 21.06.2028)
  • Notowanie: Wiedeń, Stuttgart
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