Klientske informácie a regulačné otázky

Deposit protection, Investor compensation

See "General terms", PDF, Translation from German

Information on bank resolution and bail-in

The BRRD was implemented in Austria via the Federal Act on the Recovery and Resolution of Banks (BaSAG).

Articles of Association

See "More topics" / Articles of Association, PDF, Translation from German

Corporate Governance and remuneration

Central guidelines, transparent information policy

Anti-Money Laundering Declaration

We take money laundering prevention seriously

Market standard fees

Information from the FMA regarding standard market fees for a securities transaction.

Commercial law regulations

Applicable commercial and professional regulations, in particular:

Bankwesengesetz (Banking Act, BWG), Verordnung über Aufsichtsanforderungen an Kreditinstitute (Prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms, CRR), Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz (Austrian Securities Supervision Act, WAG), Kapitalmarktgesetz (Capital Market Act, KMG) and E-Commerce Gesetz (E-Commerce Act, ECG) as amended from time to time.