Infrastructure Winner 95% - available on secondary market


Infrastructure Winner 95% - available on secondary market

1:1 participation up to +30% in the global infrastructure index by STOXX® with 95% capital protection at the end of the term

Infrastructure is the basis of economic and social prosperity. Many industrialised countries will have to renew their supply network and transport system within the next years, and the emerging markets push their expansion to foster growth. Thus, investments into infrastructure projects are a top priority in government programmes, which favors the order books of many infrastructure companies.

The Infrastructure Winner 95% is suited for investors who expect a positive performance of the STOXX® Global Infrastructure Select 30 Index and who want the majority of their invested capital to be protected.

Payout Profile:

Investors fully participate in the performance of the STOXX® Global Infrastructure Select 30 Index up to +30% - the cap equals 130% of the index starting value. Investors participate up to -5% in losses at the end of the term as the capital protection of 95 % applies at the end of the term. The certificate has a term of 5 years.

At the initial valuation date the starting value of the STOXX® Global Infrastructure Select 30 Index (closing price as of November 8, 2018) is determined. At the end of term the performance of the index is determined and one of the following scenarios will apply:

  • SCENARIO 1 – positive index performance
    At the end of the term the index performance up to +30% is paid out in addition to the nominal value. In case of an index performance of more than +30%, redemption is effected at the maximum amount (EUR 1,300 per nominal value).
  • SCENARIO 2 – unchanged or negative index performance

Investors also participate 1:1 in a slightly negative index performance. In case of price losses of more than 5% the capital protection of 95% applies at the end of the term. In this case, redemption is effected at 95% of the nominal value at the end of the term (equals EUR 950 per nominal value).

Further information as well as the Key Information Document please refer to the product page.

Capital Protection Certificates – simply explained:

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For any additional information you may require do not hesitate to contact us on +43151520484.

The Structured Products Team of Raiffeisen Centrobank

The product described herein is subject to and governed by the Base Prospectus (including all supplements and amendments thereto) approved by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA). The Base Prospectus has been deposited at the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG, published at and contains the risks and terms and conditions of the product.

Additional information may also be obtained from the key information document of the product published at Raiffeisen Centrobank AG is subject to supervision by the FMA and the Austrian National Bank as well as the European Central Bank within the Single Supervisory Mechanism (Council Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013).

Základné údaje:
  • Názov: Infrastruktur Winner 95 %
  • ISIN: AT0000A23LF3
  • Úvodný deň ocenenia: 08.11.2018
  • Splatnosť: 0,5 rokov
    (Deň splatnosti: 09.11.2023)
  • Kótované na burze: Viedeň, Stuttgart
Toto je reklama. Tieto nezáväzné informácie nepredstavujú poradenstvo, odporúčanie, ani výzvu na vykonanie transakcie. Prezentácia má všeobecný charakter, nezohľadňuje osobné okolnosti potenciálnych investorov a preto nemôže nahradiť individuálny investičný a investične orientovaný poradenský a rizikový prehľad. Táto reklama nebola pripravená v súlade so zákonnými požiadavkami určenými na podporu nezávislosti investičného prieskumu a nepodlieha zákazu obchodovania pred šírením investičného prieskumu. Základný prospekt (vrátane prípadných dodatkov), ktorý je v súlade s rakúskym zákonom o kapitálovom trhu a bol schválený príslušnými orgánmi (CSSF, FMA), je k dispozícii na webovej stránke Raiffeisen Bank International AG ( Schválenie Základného prospektu by sa nemalo vykladať ako potvrdenie finančného nástroja opísaného v tomto dokumente príslušnými orgánmi. Odporúčame prečítať si prospekt pred prijatím investičného rozhodnutia. Dôležité dodatočné informácie o popisovaných produktov (predovšetkým ich príležitosti a riziká) nájdete na webovej stránke Raiffeisen Bank International AG na adrese; najmä schválený Základný prospekt (vrátane prípadných dodatkov) nájdete na adrese ( a pod “Klientské informácie a regulačné otázky” na adrese Orgány dohľadu: Rakúsky úrad pre finančný trh (FMA), Európska centrálna banka (ECB). Tiráž podľa rakúskeho zákona o médiách: Vlastníkom a vydavateľom médií je Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Am Stadtpark 9, 1030 Viedeň/Rakúsko.